Comments on: “I’m Fine, Thanks” Father, husband, entrepreneur, author, speaker. Tue, 17 May 2016 07:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: MajorL Tue, 17 May 2016 07:23:00 +0000 Great footage but to be honest, it was about 50% ‘OK I’m Stuck’, 30% ‘My Film Crew & I’, 15% ‘What happened after’, 5% ‘How I figured out what to do’. The latter was the real problem I was hoping this documentary would solve….

By: BA pass Wed, 21 Oct 2015 06:27:00 +0000 In reply to Lavonda Thigpen.

headline is for our articles. It’s what people see first b
Pr backlinks available

By: La Panoramica Mon, 29 Oct 2012 17:56:28 +0000 Awesome, I love this guy.

By: Lavonda Thigpen Sun, 22 Jul 2012 07:19:45 +0000 Hey Pat,

I’ve been reading your blog today.

I just finished watching the “I’m Fine, Thanks” video, and it got me to thinking.

I was born in 1964 in Lufkin Texas. My dad was the bread winner, and worked very hard to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and shoes on our feet.

We were not wealthy by any means, but we always had what we needed, but not necessarley what we wanted.

My parents raised what you could say 2 seperate families. I have two older brothers of which the oldest is 20 years older than me and the other 17 years older.

My mom had me, then 19 months later had my youngest brother. My mom calls us her “Menopause” children.

Growing up, I thought that I wanted the “white pickett fence” “the 9-5 job”, and the “2.5 kids”. Everything that my parents had.

But the older I got, the more I began to realize that there had to be a better way. I didn’t want to work for 40 years and retire with a measley check every month. I wanted more.

Well, as the years passed, I hated going to work everyday. I wanted to be at home raising my kids and taking care of my family. Little did I know, that my wish was about to come true, but not the way I had planned.

I was working with special needs children in the LISD, the same district I graduated from many years back.

I was getting an autistic child off the bus, when he seized and knocked me backwards down the steps of the bus hitting my butt on curb.

For the next 3 years I went to doctor after doctor having test after test. Finally they sent me to a “spinal specialist” in Tyler which is about 80 miles north west of here.

I finally get there and they do the one test that was never done down here, and it confirms the same thing I was told down here. There’s nothing that can be done to fix my back and all they can do is try and control my pain.

I have a pain pump put in that puts medicine directly on my spine, so I knew I wasn’t going to work another day for the rest of my life.

It took me several years to come to grips that I couldn’t do the things I use to do, and that I was going to have to find a way to make some extra money to help support my family.

That’s when I started dabbling on the internet. I had no idea what I was doing, but I found a guy that was looking to update his portfolio and would build me a webiste/forum at no charge.

He taught me how to add links, articles, and products to the website and he took care of the rest.

I had that site from 2005-2010, and on accident he forgot to renew the domain name so I lost it.

I found this WP Blog template called “the multiple streams of income”, and shelled out the money to purchase it. He handled everything on that one too.

I got into affiliate marketing and I loved it. Then he had to get out of the website building business, and could no longer take care of the site, so I was going to have to learn how to do everything.

I wanted to learn how to do everything myself, so I began to buy more and more products. The more I read, the more confused I got.

Now were at a point where I cant wait any longer. My husband has been layed off of his job that he has worked for for 14 years. I’ve got to make some money.

I’ve created a product that I would love for you to take a look at and see if you’re interested in presenting it to your list for 50% commission.

It for the newbies that know NOTHING about the internet or how to make money using it.

It’s all about my journey and how I found a way to make money with affiliate marketing.

It’s different from the rest, because I not only tell you what to do to make money, I tell you how to do it.

That was the main problem when I was buying all those products trying to learn on my own. I was always told what needed to be done, but NEVER HOW to do what they were telling me to do.

That’s the main problem with the internet. There are new people (about 20k) per day coming to the internet looking for a way to make money.

The Gurus know this and that’s who they prey on….the Newbies….and I want to stop that.

My ebook is called “Extreme Newbie Income System” and it starts from the beginning and tells you how to do everything from picking your niche, finding the keywords to launch day.

I would love it if you could read it and help me sell it. I’ll send you a copy of the pdf and you can check it out if you will.

Please send me an email to the address that I had to give in order to post this.

Looking forward to talking to you. I also have a few more projects that I could use your advise on.

Continued Success and Blessings,
Lavonda Thigpen

If you’ll send me your email, I’ll send you a copy of the ebook so that you can see the product.

By: Rod Gomes Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:34:31 +0000 In reply to Mary-Ellen.

It’s easy. All you have to do is create an account at (free), then you will be able to assign a picture to an email address of your choice.

So whenever you fill out forms (with the same email you have set in Gravatar) to leave a comment, WordPress will communicate with Gravatar and fetch your picture.

Let me know if you need help setting it up.

By: Mary-Ellen Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:38:31 +0000 In reply to Rod Gomes.

Hi Rod, since I’m new to all of this, can I ask a question? How do you get your picture to show up next to your name? I appreciate it.

By: Rod Gomes Thu, 21 Jun 2012 20:16:54 +0000 In reply to Mary-Ellen.

Hi Mary-ellen,

This was the first project I backed as well. I saw it on Pat’s FB page, and then later that same day I heard someone mention it again, and again.

Usually when something gets on the radar so often, it means I should check it out. I’m very glad I did in this case, can’t wait for the doc!

Thanks for sharing Pat!

By: Marvin Fontanilla Wed, 20 Jun 2012 21:06:07 +0000 Just saw the article about this project on http://thinktraffic. n e t/filmmaker-raised-100k-on-kickstarter. (I broke up the link)

It looks like this documentary is going to be a huge success. Looking forward to watching it!

By: Kevin H. Boyd Tue, 19 Jun 2012 14:51:05 +0000 You’guys have inspired me to raise money using crowd-funding too!

I’ve just put up a pitch on the UK web site to raise money to help me promote my book The Job Delusion which details my journey from the day job to financial freedom.

I would love you all to get involved at

By: Pat Sun, 17 Jun 2012 05:14:29 +0000 Thank you all, again, for your amazing comments and contributions to the I’m Fine, Thanks project! We’re about 3k left from reaching the 100,000 goal with 6 days left – I think we’re going to make it!!
